Saturday, September 29, 2012

We are having another heat wave here in San Diego and I hate it. I don't have air conditioning and even if I did I probably wouldn't use it. My fat cat is so hot all the time. It's almost October! Isn't it suppose to be cooling off now! It's Fall! Ok enough complaining.

I've been at home all day doing math homework and my brain is starting to ooze out of my ears. One thing I like about doing homework thought, is listening to music while I do it. I've even made a homework playlist because I'm that much of a dork. I filled the playlist with music I use to listen to when I was in high school. It's pretty amazing. This song came on today and I had to stake a break from math to sing along.

Maybe I shouldn't have it on the homework playlist anymore. Yeah right!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Do over! I have failed a handful of times to try and keep this blog going. I guess there are a lot of reasons for this but I'm going to ignore them all and start over. So what's everybody been up to? It's insanely hot here in Golden Hill. Hot for me is anything over 80 so it's really not that bad. I am tired of the heat though. I think I'm officially done with summer and ready for fall. I'm ready for Halloween and Christmas! For now I'll try to enjoy the fact that it's September I guess.

I started school a couple weeks ago for the first time in forever. I've been working in the same field for a while now and I've decided it's not really what I want to do forever. I figure I'll just start taking some classes until I figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Honestly what I would love to do is design jewelry full time. I think next semester I'll look into taking some jewelry classes. I've always wanted to learn how to work with metal and fire.  For now it's Algebra and English.

Anywho, here's a couple video from The Kills who I got to see and MEET last month. I still haven't gotten over it. Maybe I can just be Alison Mosshart when I grow up. I really need the gold boots. Bad.